Environmental Impact Assessment
Key principles of EIA
Any project development must be environmentally sustainable and equitably meets the needs of present and future generations.
Implementation of any proposed project, development, activity or industrial establishment and any expansion thereat, which has the potential to cause significant adverse environmental impacts, shall not be started unless an EIA process is undertaken and an “environmental license” or Environmental Clearance (EC) is obtained in advance from the EPSS-Environmental Department.
The integration of the EIA process early into the project development cycle is a vital aspect of project planning. The EIA process, which primarily concerned with assessing the overall impacts of any proposed project, development or activity, also ensures the inclusion of necessary environmental protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures into the project design elements.
As a vital project planning and decision-making tool, the EIA process guides the Proponent, Stakeholder and the Competent Authority into making an informed decision whether or not the proposed project development meets the desired criteria on sustainability and economic viability.
Effective review of the EIA document depends largely on accurate, complete and timely disclosure of relevant information, usually provided by the Project Proponent and concerned Stakeholders during the EIA process. The EIA report serves as the most vital document in evaluating the environmental soundness and viability of a proposed project or activity. The EIA report holds the key in leading the EIA process into an informed decision whether an environmental license can be issued or not.
The Project Proponent has the primary duty, and is responsible for disclosing all relevant information of the project scope to produce a substantial EIA Report.
Environmental Impact Assessment Report is required for the major industrial activities listed in Table (A) in accordance with the Dubai Municipality – Environment Department requirements with detailed process of all activities. EIA Report shall include the following sections:
Company details: Company Name, address, telephone & fax number, Name of Company Owner/Manager , & e-mail address, Name of contact person , & mobile number.
1. Basic Company Information:
Company details: Company Name, address, telephone & fax number, Name of Company Owner/Manager , & e-mail address, Name of contact person , & mobile number.
2. Site and Surroundings:
A description of the location and affection/site plan.
Map showing project limits and adjacent land uses and sensitive receptors within 1 km radius from boundaries.
Existing land use patterns.
Existing water use in the area is to be identified, surface and groundwater resources.
Soil and shallow ground water profiles, including soil and groundwater analysis.( if applicable).
Air quality data such as levels of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons, etc.
A description focused on Biodiversity, flora and fauna, archeological and cultural values.
3. Industrial Activities
Details of all proposed/ existing activities production processes, process flowchart, plant layout including floor plan, machines & drainage layout, water & power sources and consumption.
Types and quantities of all raw materials with all related material specification & safety datasheets (MSDS) and all related about the production capacity / output products.
Size or magnitude of the operation, including any associated activities required by the project.
List of all machines &equipments to be used with technical details or datasheets.
Water Balance (showing water consumption / volume of domestic, process, and other uses).
List of dangerous goods with details & (MSDS) & plans of storage area.
Manpower requirements & expected plant operation.
4. Industrial Wastes Streams:
Sources of air emissions & the provided control facilities (with details, plans, specifications, manual of operation, catalogue or photographs).
Sources of solid & hazardous wastes, volume, onsite collection & disposal.
Details on wastewater generation (quantity, quality, onsite collection, treatment and disposal). Provide analysis reports; details & plans of any proposed collection/holding tanks and wastewater treatment facilities as shown in drainage lay-out.
5. Environmental Impacts Assessment and Evaluation of the Industrial Operations:
Description of environmental aspects.
Assessment and criteria for determining the significance of environmental impacts/issues.
Impact assessment matrix/ tabulated summery for all direct and indirect impacts affected the environmental components across each project phases.
Clear map showing the sampling locations capturing the related environmental aspects and the corresponding impacts shall be provided.
6. Mitigating Measures
Presentation of the proposed mitigation measures to be taken for each identified significant environmental impact .
Assessment of the likely effectiveness of the mitigating measures in terms of reducing or preventing impacts.
Tabulation of the mitigation/enhancement measures addressing the significant environmental impacts/issues.
7. Conclusions
The Executive Summary summarizes the significant findings of the EIA Report and the study’s conclusions.
Company Commitment:
“I / We hereby declare that the details provided above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I / We undertake to inform Dm- Environment department of any changes therein. In case any of the above information is found to be untrue or misleading, I am / We are aware that I / We will be held responsible and may lead to delay in the approval / rejection of my / our application.
(With Company stamp, the FULL Name & signature of Company Owner/Manager and the Consultant)
8. Annexes
Company Capital Cost: (Paid-up capital in the DE Commercial Register of the Company OR capital of the company in the Memorandum of Association of Limited Liability Company, in words and in figures).
Written authorization from the Company certifying that the Environmental Consultants are authorized to represent the proponent or enter commitments on their behalf in relation to their application for an Environmental Clearance (mandatory requirement).
Copy of the laboratory analysis conducted by a DM accredited laboratory.
Numerical modeling studies and any additional related studies, where applicable and as required.
Technical datasheets and material specification & safety datasheets.
Any other information relevant to the EIA study